To help pupils continue to learn from home, parents can access our RMUnify page which has many of the resources that we use in class. Details will be sent to parents about how to help your child/children to sign in via Parentmail.
Opportunities for home learning and e-learning
Here are a list of suggested websites and activities that you might want to do with your child if you are in self-isolation or school has been closed.
A copy of the Curriculum Overviews, which show what the children are learning can be found on our website here.
EExAT – Our Nursery and Reception classes use the Early Excellence Assessment Tracker to share photos of learning at home and in school. Every child in EYFS has a parent login which is set up at the start of each new school year. Parents/carers can see some of the activities enjoyed in school and can upload photos, short video clips and comments about their child’s learning at home. All of the information is then used to create each child’s learning journal and contributes to the assessment tracker at the end of each term.
In the event of school/bubble closure, ideas for activities and links to useful websites will be sent home via parentmail once a week and children are encouraged to share what they have been doing using the online platform. If you are unable to access EExAT for any reason please contact the class teacher.
Seesaw - All children should have a login for Seasaw which was sent out via Parentmail. Seasaw is our online learning platform of choice and is available for all KS1 & KS2 children. If you don't have a login for your child, please email the school via [email protected] and one will be sent out to you via Parentmail.
KS2 - This is a link to the home page we use at school and can be used to access the sites listed below.
If your child is in years 3 to 6 they can then login with their own username and password that they use at school when they log in to the laptops.
Children in reception to year 2 will need support
From here you can find links to several websites that we have subscriptions for and shouldn’t need a password for.
· Purplemash – a great site that has games and activities for all curriculum areas and year groups.
· Discovery Education – The children will know this as Espresso. It has lots of videos, activities, games linked to all subject areas from reception to year 6.
· Topmarks – this has lots of links to curriculum areas and websites that offer educational games. No password is needed.
· Children’s University – Aimed at KS2 children, this has a range of topics from history to science. Explore and find out more. No password needed.
· Scratch – a computer coding site that the children love. Lots of them have an account linked to their class where they can share their projects. Be creative.
· Phonics Play - Choose the ‘Free Phonics Play’ button.
· BBC schools – links to the bbc bitesize website, which has videos and factfiles linked to all curriculum subjects, from reception to year 6.
· TT Rockstars – aimed at year 3 to 6 pupils. Children all have their own login which has been given to them recently by their teacher. How fast can you go?
· I learn 2 – a site we use for teaching computing. The children can explore free sections if they click on the pupils' section.
Activities to try:
Writing Ideas – This is a fabulous site to give you ideas for writing stories:
Choose a picture you like and look at some of the activities, you might create a picture, write a poem, or carry on a story.
If you are able to do things in the garden or outside you might try some of these:
- Home Learning Documents
- Chromebook - Information for Parents newsletter.pdf
- Remote Education Provision.pdf
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