In the Early Years Foundation Stage we plan the indoor and outdoor classroom provision based on children's interests and fascinations. Children are encouraged to move freely through the different zones and areas engaging with carefully planned resources which stimulate their curiosity. As they play, children begin to make links, improve their focus and concentration, they can practice new skills and experiment. The EYFS team support learning in each area by modelling and extending language, careful questioning and by observing the way in which the child is learning. The teacher may add an enhancement into the continuous provision to extend a child's thinking or talking, or he/she will plan an adult-focused activity to support a child's understanding of a new concept or when teaching specific skills. As the year progresses, the balance of child-initiated play and adult-directed changes with daily focus sessions in phonics, reading, writing and maths.

Continuous provision - Communication and Language

Continuous Provision - Mathematics Workshop

Continuous Provision - Construction and Design

Continuous Provision - Reading Area

Continuous Provision - Multi-Sensory Learning

Continuous Provision - Role Play, Drama and Story Narratives.

Continuous Provision - Writing Area
- EYFS Curriculum Overviews
- 2024 Autumn Term - EYFS Curriculum Overview.pdf
- 2024 Summer Term Fox Class Curriculum Overview.pdf
- 2024 Spring Term Fox Class Curriculum Overview.pdf
- 2023 Autumn Term Fox Class Curriculum Overview .pdf
- 2023 Summer Term Fox Class Curriculum Overview.pdf
- 2023 Spring Term Fox Class Curriculum Overview.pdf
- 2022 Autumn Term Fox Class Curriculum Overview.pdf
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Planning for active learning and enquiry.
The annual cycle of themes for each half term ensures that children across the cohort are able to access group activities, events and experiences that will engage and extend their learning. The planning documents below show the kinds of activities that might be included each half term. Teachers watch children carefully, following children's interests to maintain maximum engagement and focus on learning and progression. Children's key moments in learning and development are recorded in EExAT (an online tool for tracking learning and child development) and shared with parents.

Autumn 1 - All About Me! What makes you unique?

Autumn 2 - Hot and Cold. How do you stop ice from melting?

Spring 1 - Stories and Rhymes. Who's in your story?

Spring 2 - Around the World. Where will you go on your journey?

Summer 1 - The Community. How can we help each other?

Summer 2 - Growth and Change. What's growing in your garden?